
Data Type: Match Ready

30 Day Geo Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex, and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

30 Day Web & App Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex, and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

30 Day Web, App & Geo Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex, and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

90 Day Geo Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex, and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

90 Day Web & App Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex, and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

90 Day Web, App & Geo Mobile Data


Today’s consumers are complex and so is their data. Just a survey won’t cut it; you need to add app, web, and location data to truly understand what consumers want, bridging the gap between what they say and what they do. Effortlessly filter by specific customer demographics and discover top-ranked apps based on frequency usage. See website traffic and built-in KPIs that track live changes in the data. See where your customers spend time offline – With validated location data.

B2B Audience Profiles


By examining a combination of LinkedIn data and other offline sources, audiences can be created for specific B2B segments based on title, employer, and industry.

Claritas Identity Graph


The Claritas Identity Graph reaches nearly 100% of US consumer households and ties together over 5 billion data points monthly to produce the highest-def portrait of each customer and prospect. It’s the engine that makes our powerful solutions work so effectively.

The Claritas Identity Graph is the only graph technology in the market leveraged to more accurately and effectively help marketers across all critical areas of the marketing spectrum from identifying and building the right audiences…to delivering marketing campaigns across the most effective channels…to measuring the true impact audiences and channels have on driving ROI.

You’ll know more about who your customers and best prospects are, what devices they use, and how they use them. You’ll know more about where each customer and prospect engages, so you can reach them with a consistent message when and where they are most likely to interact with it. You’ll be able attribute exposure to conversions, so you’ll know what’s working, what isn’t and how to optimize each to improve your ROI.

ConneXions Consumer Segments


Designed for the technology and telecommunications industry, ConneXions helps you know more about the technology behaviors of today’s connected consumers and predict adoption rates for all major tech categories including smart tech.

CultureCode Consumer Segments


Gain insights with CultureCode into over 130 million multicultural consumers by acculturation, country of origin, preferred language, lifestyle preferences and more.